On June 2 Wiley Drake, a Southern Baptist Pastor in California and former SBC officer, told Alan Colmes on his Fox News radio program that he was glad late-term abortionist George Tiller was dead and that he had prayed for it to happen. As if that weren't bad enough, he went on to tell Colmes that he was praying the same thing for President Obama. As a pastor and a Southern Baptist, let me say without reservation that Wiley Drake is WAY out of line and has embarrassed our faith and Convention. My Bible tells me to pray for my president and that he has been established by God (Rom. 13:1-2). Did Jesus pray for the death of Caesar? Did He pray for the death of the Pharisees for their murderous plot against him? No he prayed 'Father forgive them, they know not what they do.’
In spite of Drake’s mindless comments, Tiller was no saint to be sure, as the dominant media would have us believe. He is now a martyr for “choice.” Was it right for him to be gunned down? Absolutely not. But he was no martyr, nor a man deserving of any respect in my opinion. This was a man who killed babies that were perfectly able to live outside the womb. He delivered them feet first all but the head and killed them before the head was delivered. His defenders proclaim he did nothing illegal. To our nation’s shame this is true, but it wasn’t illegal to send Jews to concentration camps in fascist Germany either, would they have made the same argument then? Just because its legal doesn’t make it right. In America, abortion continues to be wrong, but legal. According to a May Gallup poll, a majority of Americans now believe this very thing.
In his inaugural address President Obama predicted “defeat” for “those who seek to advance their aims by …slaughtering innocents.” But his first executive order was to overturn a prohibition first implemented by Ronald Reagan preventing federal dollars from funding overseas abortion providers. Our tax dollars now fund countless innocent slaughters. Ignoring abortion during a presidential campaign can have deep consequences.
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