February 21, 2009

Christian Indeed

In John 1, as Jesus picks his first disciples, He peers in to the soul of some of the men who would become his apostles. In Andrew He saw a man of faith and action. He brought his brother Simon to Jesus. In Simon Jesus saw a man of strength and leadership. Jesus renamed him Peter which means rock. But it is Nathaniel that impresses me. When Jesus saw Nathaniel He said "Behold, and Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit." (1:47b NKJ). The Greek word for 'indeed' means 'true' and 'genuine.' Nathaniel was a true, faithful Israelite, not deceitful and self-serving like the Pharisees and Sadducees. When He first saw Nathaniel, Jesus saw a man who was genuine, true to his faith, and Israelite indeed. The kind of man Christianity would need. It makes me wonder, what kind of man does Jesus see when he looks at me? What does he see in you? A Christian? Or a Christian indeed? A person who is whole-heartedly, genuinely, deeply faithful to their Christianity? Lets strive to be a 'Christian indeed!'

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